Featuring a narrow 1.75”W body and a 120V or 220-240V electric motor, it has an easy to operate attached feed wrench. Pneumatic, hydraulic, and battery powered motors are optional.
Esco Tool has introduced a portable O.D. clamping tube beveling tool that can bevel, face, and bore simultaneously and has easily interchangeable clamps for changing pipe sizes. Electric Foam Cutter

The C-HOG MILLHOG® O.D. Clamping End Prep Tool mounts securely to the outside of sanitary tubing to maintain the integrity of the tube interior and operates without cutting fluids to prevent contamination. Designed for use on thin-wall tubing, it evenly distributes holding power along the tube exterior, fits tube and pipe from 0.5” I.D. to 3 0.D., and is ideal for orbital welding end preps because of the consistency of the land.
Available with cutter blades for performing any angle of prep including J-preps, the C-HOG MILLHOG® O.D. Clamping End Prep Tool can bevel, face, and bore simultaneously. Featuring a narrow 1.75” W body and a 120V or 220-240V electric motor, it has an easy-to-operate attached feed wrench. Pneumatic, hydraulic, and battery-powered motors are optional.
The C-HOG MILLHOG® O.D. Clamping End Prep Tool sells for $5,295.00 and is available for rent in the continental U.S.A. for $250.00 per week.
A Unit of Esco Technologies, Inc. Matthew Brennan, Marketing Director 75 October Hill Rd. Holliston, MA 01746 (800) 343-6926 FAX (508) 429-2811 e-mail: matt@escotool.com http://www.escotool.com
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