
What compels you to buy an unfamiliar bottle of wine? Is it the captivating label, the varietal (aka wine type), or perhaps the description on the back? Well, Uproot Wines uniquely combines its wine label and flavor descriptions into what they call the Flavor Palette:

"Each of the color blocks represents a tasting note. The size of the block tells you how dominant that note is. Together, the blocks make up a Flavor Palette that's unique to each varietal, each vintage." Diy Water Bottle Stickers

Uproot Wine Label Flavor Palette Photos | POPSUGAR Food

Take a look at these gorgeous smashed bottles, filled with the wine's flavors, along with the corresponding Flavor Palettes.

The only downside of the wine labels: the Flavor Palette's descriptions are not on the back of the bottle, although they are available to view online. Hopefully the winery adds that information, so wine drinkers can better understand the purpose and significance of the colorblock labels.

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Uproot Wine Label Flavor Palette Photos | POPSUGAR Food

Wedding Bottle Labels Awesome, You’re All Set! 🎉